NAVWARN details

ID NW-M-1650-22
Date 2022-09-14 18:44 UTC
Status Published
Title Obstruction
Areas Chaleur - Miscou - south
Vicinity Northwest Miramichi River
Categories Submerged Object

Presence of unmarked hazards which may be submerged in the vicinity of the Sunny Corner Bridge. Caution

Centroid : 46° 56.328'N 065° 48.923'W
    Pt 1: 46° 56.699'N 065° 49.225'W
    Pt 2: 46° 56.526'N 065° 49.148'W
    Pt 3: 46° 56.305'N 065° 48.468'W
    Pt 4: 46° 55.988'N 065° 48.484'W
    Pt 5: 46° 56.154'N 065° 48.906'W
    Pt 6: 46° 56.315'N 065° 49.241'W
    Pt 7: 46° 56.593'N 065° 49.457'W
Charts 4001(NAD83), 4006(NAD83)

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