Unreliable, on emergency light.
Two Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USV) will operate from Coast Marina, Victoria Harbour to circumnavigate Race Rocks and then return to Coast Marina.
DataXplorer 04 USV will display MMSI 316048854 and DataXplorer 06 USV will display MMSI 316053191.
Hours of operation 1500 to 2300 UTC on March 12.
Call operators at 1-833-667-6268 for any questions or concerns.
Cable laying operations will take place between Alert Bay and Telegraph Cove.
Hours of operation from 1400 to 0200 UTC daily from 11 to 15 Mar.
Coastal Connector and Gitga'at Transporter on site monitoring VHF channels 13, 16 and 80.
Mariners are to stay 100m clear of cable laying vessel.
Upside down dock reported adrift in the vicinity of 50 21.948N 125 43.367W at 111820 UTC Mar 2025. Dock is described as 30ft long and 5ft wide.
Winter spar missing
Off position in 44 20.280N 064 12.600W. Caution
Off position
Debris removal, boulder removal, and dredging operations are underway in the areas bounded by the following coordinates:
Exit Channel:
47 18.680N 053 58.223W 47 18.540N 053 57.907W 47 18.307N 053 58.122W 47 18.482N 053 58.503W
Inner Channel:
47 19.571N 053 57.575W 47 19.584N 053 57.063W 47 18.944N 053 57.027W 47 18.931N 053 57.539W
Outer Channel:
47 20.850N 053 58.760W 47 20.468N 053 57.347W 47 20.154N 053 57.588W 47 20.542N 053 59.030W
Environmental monitoring buoys equipped with lights and radar reflectors deployed in:
47 19.969N 053 59.099W
47 19.725N 053 57.066W
47 19.686N 053 56.798W
Removed boulders are to be relocated to the areas bounded by the following coordinates:
Inner Channel Boulder Relocation Area:
47 19.089N 053 57.115W 47 19.092N 053 57.036W 47 19.653N 053 57.067W 47 19.651N 053 57.147W
Outer Channel Boulder Relocation Area:
47 20.543N 053 57.405W 47 20.594N 053 57.376W 47 20.945N 053 58.703W 47 20.894N 053 58.732W
Vessels will move to transit dredged material to offshore disposal areas in the vicinity of:
Placentia Sound Offshore Disposal Site:
47 18.393N 053 55.372W
The Pond Offshore Disposal Site:
47 18.990N 053 59.576W
Multiple vessels, barges and dredges will be involved in the operations, all will be monitoring VHF channel 16 and are requesting a wide berth of at least 100 meters.
Diving operations taking place from 1000 UTC until 2000 UTC from 11 Mar 2025 until 14 Mar 2025 at wharf 16 and 17.
Subsurface scientific mooring deployed 5 metres off the sea floor in 45 16.134N 066 03.966W
Subsurface scientific mooring deployed 5 metres off the sea floor in 45 15.474N 066 03.396W.
Two-legged ODAS mooring deployed.
The first anchor position is 46° 31.3930N, 048° 33.8870W and is marked with a yellow spherical wave buoy with a yellow navigational light with flash pattern 5 flashes every 20 seconds.
The second anchor position is 46° 31.3130N, 048° 34.1501W and is marked with an orange high flyer buoy with a yellow navigational light with flash pattern 5 flashes every 20 seconds and radar reflector.
Temporary surface and sub-surface testing of ocean observational equipment will be deployed in Saanich Inlet between Mill Bay and Pat Bay in the vicinity of; 48 39.530N 123 30.591W.
Hours of operations daily 1600UTC to 0100UTC from 11 March to 14 March, 2025.
Landing craft, Alhutum, monitoring VHF channel 16.
Minimum wake.
Military Exercise Area West Coast Firing Area SOUTH will be active for gunnery exercises from 1600 to 0000 UTC from 11 Mar to 12 Mar and from 1600 to 2000 UTC Mar 12. Mariners are required to remain well clear of naval vessels. Ref: NOTMAR F35 - Annual Edition
An Allied Naval vessel is berthed at Shearwater’s jetty NA. A Controlled Access Zone of 150 meters surrounding jetty NA has been established in the area of 44 37 39.906N 63 31 22. 578W. This zone is being patrolled by Royal Canadian Navy security boats.
Diving operations to effect removal of sunken vessel underway in Glace Bay Harbour. Wide berth and minimum wash are requested in the vicinity of operations.
Canadian Coast Guard conducting de-icing operations on the Saguenay River beginning 10 Mar 2025.
Temporary surface and sub-surface testing of ocean observational equipment will be deployed in Boundary Pass, South of Saturna Island, East of Blunden Islet in the vicinity of;
48 44.906N 123 09.813W,
48 44.963N 123 06.795W,
48 45.449N 123 03.547W,
Hours of operations daily 1500UTC to 0100UTC from 10 March to 15 March, 2025.
Navigational Aid towers to be installed off of Berry Point, the vicinity of 49 17.763N 122 59.245W.
Hours of operation 1500 UTC to 0130 UTC Mar 9 to Apr 9.
No. 7 Derrick and Scows monitoring VHF Ch 12.
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