NAVWARN details

ID NW-P-0347-25
Date 2025-03-11 21:34 UTC To 2025-03-16 02:00 UTC
Status Published
Title Marine works - Cable Laying
Areas Queen Charlotte Strait
Categories Cable Laying Operations

Cable laying operations will take place between Alert Bay and Telegraph Cove. 

Hours of operation from 1400 to 0200 UTC daily from 11 to 15 Mar.

Coastal Connector and Gitga'at Transporter on site monitoring VHF channels 13, 16 and 80.

Mariners are to stay 100m clear of cable laying vessel.


    Pt 1: 50° 34.583'N 126° 55.050'W
    Pt 2: 50° 34.168'N 126° 54.447'W
    Pt 3: 50° 32.967'N 126° 49.533'W
Charts 3546(NAD83)

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